Indian Psychiatric Society-North Zone (IPS-NZ) was founded in January 1978.
The Zone includes the states of New Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Rajasthan and the Union Territories of Kashmir, Jammu, Leh and Ladakh, and Chandigarh.
The IPS NZ supports continued medical education through its yearly academic activities - Mid term CME now named as Mid-year Conference IPs NZ (MIDCIPS-NZ), Postgraduate development programme (PGDP), Annual Conference of IPS NZ.
IPS NZ promotes excellence in research in young scholars and honors lifetime achievement of senior professionals by providing yearly national awards in the field of psychiatry and mental health, during the annual national conference.
The Indian Psychiatric Society North Zone publishes a peer reviewed Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, the official journal of the IPS-NZ was started in 1996. The journal has been publishing two issues in a year.

News and Events

President, IPS-NZ
Dr. Gurvinder Pal Singh
I am thrilled to write to you as the President of the Indian Psychiatric Society North Zone. I express my heartiest gratitude to the entire membership, seniors, and teachers for entrusting me with this highest post of President, IPS NZ. I took over the role of President of the Society during the 49th Annual Conference of IPS-NZ at Bikaner.
At the outset, I would like to thank each of you for your excellent work, and looking forward to your active engagement as we begin the Golden Jubilee celebration conference of IPS-NZ at GMCH, Chandigarh, my parental department.
IPS-NZ promotes excellence in research and promotes awareness about mental health and psychological disorders in the general population. We must continue our efforts to move IPS-NZ into a new decade of growth and innovative impact. The societal need is great, and the opportunity for impact is even greater.
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Hon. General Secretary, IPS-NZ
Dr. Deepali Gul
Indian Psychiatric Society-North Zone (IPS-NZ) is a non-profit organization of Psychiatrists of North India. Important objectives of the IPS-NZ are to promote awareness about mental health, wellness and psychological disorders in the general population and among the health professionals; to facilitate for effective prevention, and comprehensive management of psychiatric disorders; and to improvise service delivery, standard of care and wholesome psychiatric training for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To safeguard the interest of mental health professionals' strength always matters, so please motivate postgraduate students, psychiatrists, mental health professionals and other health professionals to join IPS-North Zone.
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Hon. Editor, IPS-NZ
Dr. Sandeep Grover
The Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour is the Official Journal of the Indian Psychiatric Society-North Zone. The journal is being published since 1992 and currently 28 volumes of the journal has been published, with two issues published every year.
The journal is currently indexed in DOAJ, Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Indian Science Abstracts. The journal publishes original research article, review articles, brief research reports, case reports, view point, and letter to the editor. All the articles submitted to the journal undergo a rigorous peer review process.
The journal is open to all the professionals across the globe and publishes articles without any publication charges.
The Impact Factor® of the journal as reported in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2023): 0.5.
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